Hello all! (Or none... either or. Either or is fine.)
Right, so I'm currently obsessed with beauty blogs and the like, and I came across a fantastic "Get to know me" one on Lips So Facto. (www.lipssofacto.com)
She's honestly such a great inspiration. I've started experimenting a bit more with beauty products because of her, and it's worked out great so far! Read her blog if you haven't yet!
Well, back to my point... there was "Get to know me" post that I quite liked, and I thought I'd give it a go, so here goes!
Vital Stats:
Name: Alejandra (though I'm rarely called it.)
Nicknames: Allie, Ale (yes, like the alcoholic beverage), Ah-leh, Yay...
Birthday: August 18th
Place of Birth: Delano, a tiny town in the valley of California. Middle of NOWHERE, I tell ya.
Zodiac sign: Leo
Occupation: Student
Hair color: A pale brown. Considering dying it a darker tone, though.
Hair length: Almost mid-back, I'd say. Though I've a bit of an undercut.
Eye color: Light brown.
Best feature: But there are so many to choose from. Jokes! Ermmm, I'd have to say my lips. Though I hate the teeth behind them.
Braces: I desperately need them. As insinuated above.
Piercings: Standard lobes, and an industrial on my left ear. I also had a lip piercing when I was younger, but that was a huge mistake. I now have a permanent scar as a reminder of my stupidity.
Tattoos: None yet.
Righty of Lefty: Lefty.
Elena (on the right) and myself this past December.
Best friend: A girl by the name of Elena. We were in second grade, and though we distanced throughout much of school, we managed to rekindle our friendship during our Junior year, and we're close friends once more! (Even attending the same Uni in the fall!)
Award: Dunno why I remember this so clearly, but I received an award in Elementary that the school called a "Knight Reader" (School mascot was a knight). I basically got it for reading plenty and being an exquisite nerd. Proudest moment of my life.
Sport: Considering the fact that I trip on something almost regularly, I'd say my coordination isn't on par with what it takes to be an athlete. But I quite like running... even if I'm not good at it.
Real Holiday: I went to visit Guatemala when I was about ten. Going again in June, and I'm super excited for that!
Concert: Oh, dear lord... I think it was a free parking lot concert of the Plain White T's, or something similar.
Film: There are too many! Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Amelie, The Breakfast Club, The Lion King, Zombieland, Donnie Darko... Believe me, I could go on forever.
TV Show: I don't watch much TV, but I do watch reruns of American Dad and Family Guy. I'm such an intellectual...
Color: Grey, Blue, Gold, Black... meh.
Song: Oh, come on! This question is impossible! Alright, alright... it might be between U2's A Sort of Homecoming or Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's Home. Currently.
Restaurant: This will change as soon as I escape the bubble I've lived in my entire life, but I'd have to say Shogun Palace, in Bakersfield. They've decent sushi, considering it's located in the Valley.
Store: Forever 21, for the variety and for the price. (Quality? Not so much.) Suggestions for other stores, anyone?
Book: Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Or No Country For Old Men. McCarthy is fantastic.
Magazine: Vanity Fair.
Shoes: I've these dingy pair of brown boots that need to have the heel fixed. Love them to death, but haven't worn them in so long because of the damn heel. Sigh.
Feeling: Insomniac-like. It's 2:30 in the morning!
Single or Taken: Single
Eating: No, thank you. Not now, anyway.
Listening to: Metronomy- The Look
Thinking about: How I should be sleeping, as I've school tomorrow. Or, err, today. Eeeeeek!
Watching: Nothing, really. Though I was watching infomercials about a very high-tech blender earlier. Fascinating, I know.
Wearing: Simply adorable pajamas. I state this sarcastically... they're quite hideous.
Want Children: Someday, far in the future.
Want to be married: Perhaps, if the right stud strolls along. *Insert winky face here.
Careers in mind: Ideally, I'd like to become a psychologist/writer. But, realistically, something in either Human Resources or Social Services would be nice. Obviously, I've yet to officially decide.
Where do you want to live: I've been drawn to the UK ever since I was a child, and I plan on moving to Bristol when I'm finished with Uni here.
Do you believe in:
God: Yes.
Miracles: You could say that I do... in a sense.
Love at first sight: Erm, not really. Attraction at first sight fits the bill better. I think it takes time to get to know someone before you fall in love. Quite a bit of time, actually.
Ghosts: I'm very skeptical, but maybe.
Aliens: It's a bit arrogant to think that the universe is this huge, empty space and that we're the only living things in it, isn't it? I do think other life forms exist, but I don't think about that much. It's not my area of expertise, anyway.
Soul Mates: That term is worthy of an eye-roll, but yes. In a sense, anyway. I believe some people are meant to be together, merely because they're compatible in a way that can't be mimicked.
Heaven: I know I do, but I've no idea why it's so difficult to convince myself of this.
Hell: See Heaven.
Kissing on the first date: Why wouldn't I?
Yourself: For the most part.
Ta-da! That's it, hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit! I'll be updating this soon. Everyone have a lovely day! x